GABA modulation of SVZ-derived progenitor ventral cell migration.

Histochemical evidence for a striatopallidal system. The islands of Calleja complex of rat basal forebrain. Laminar and spatial localization of the islands of Calleja in mice. Aggregations of granule cells in the basal forebrain (islands of Calleja): Golgi and cytoarchitectonic study in different mammals, including man. Meyer, G., Gonzalez-Hernandez, T., Carrillo-Padilla, F. The islands of Calleja: organization and connections. Subventricular zone-derived neuronal progenitors migrate into the subcortical forebrain of postnatal mice. Granule cells of the olfactory tubercle and the question of the islands of Calleja. Striatal circuits for reward learning and decision-making. Striatal local circuitry: a new framework for lateral inhibition. The basal ganglia over 500 million years.

Our study uncovers a new role of the ventral striatum’s IC in regulating motor output and has important implications for the neural control of grooming. Furthermore, OT D3 neurons show increased activity before and during grooming and influence local striatal output via synaptic connections with neighboring OT neurons (primarily spiny projection neurons), whose firing rates display grooming-related modulation.

Conversely, optogenetic inhibition of these neurons halts ongoing grooming, and genetic ablation reduces spontaneous grooming. Here, we show that optogenetic activation of OT D3 neurons robustly initiates self-grooming in mice while suppressing other ongoing behaviors. Characterized by expression of the D3 dopamine receptor, the IC are evolutionally conserved, but have undefined functions. The islands of Calleja (IC) contain clusters of densely packed granule cells situated in the ventral striatum, predominantly in the olfactory tubercle (OT). The striatum comprises multiple subdivisions and neural circuits that differentially control motor output.